
176 lines
5.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-11-07 20:15:26 +00:00
#include "camera_controller.hpp"
#include <glm/gtc/constants.hpp>
#include <glm/gtc/quaternion.hpp>
#include <glm/gtx/rotate_vector.hpp>
2023-05-02 11:02:43 +00:00
#include <glm/trigonometric.hpp>
2022-11-07 20:15:26 +00:00
2023-05-02 11:02:43 +00:00
#include "application.h"
#include "components/collider.h"
#include "components/transform.h"
#include "input_manager.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "scene.h"
#include "scene_manager.h"
#include "window.h"
2023-02-12 14:50:29 +00:00
2023-05-02 11:02:43 +00:00
CameraControllerSystem::CameraControllerSystem(engine::Scene* scene)
: System(scene, {typeid(engine::TransformComponent).hash_code(),
typeid(CameraControllerComponent).hash_code()}) {}
void CameraControllerSystem::OnUpdate(float ts) {
if (t == nullptr || c == nullptr || col == nullptr) {
for (uint32_t entity : entities_) {
t = scene_->GetComponent<engine::TransformComponent>(entity);
col = scene_->GetComponent<engine::ColliderComponent>(entity);
c = scene_->GetComponent<CameraControllerComponent>(entity);
if (t == nullptr) return;
if (c == nullptr) return;
if (col == nullptr) return;
const float dt = ts;
constexpr float G = 9.8f;
const float kMaxSlopeAngle = glm::cos(glm::radians(20.0f));
constexpr float kFloorSinkLevel =
0.05f; // how far into the floor to ground the player
glm::vec3 norm = c->last_collision_normal;
glm::vec3 dir =
glm::normalize(glm::rotateY(glm::vec3{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, c->yaw) +
glm::rotateY(glm::vec3{0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}, c->yaw));
const float slope = glm::dot(dir, norm);
bool is_sliding = false;
if (c->just_collided) {
if (slope > kMaxSlopeAngle) {
// slide across wall
is_sliding = true;
} else {
if (c->dy < 0.0f && c->is_grounded == false) {
// in the ground, push up a bit
float floorY = c->last_collision_point.y;
t->position.y = floorY + 1.5f - kFloorSinkLevel;
c->dy = 0.0f;
c->is_grounded = true;
if (c->just_collided == false && slope <= kMaxSlopeAngle) {
// just stopped colliding with a floor collider
c->is_grounded = false;
if (c->is_grounded == false) c->dy -= G * dt;
// jumping
constexpr float JUMPVEL =
(float)2.82231110971133017648; // std::sqrt(2 * G * JUMPHEIGHT);
if (scene_->app()->input_manager()->GetButton("jump") &&
c->is_grounded == true) {
c->dy = JUMPVEL;
if (scene_->app()->window()->GetButton(engine::inputs::MouseButton::M_LEFT)) {
c->dy += dt * c->kThrust;
// in metres per second
float speed = c->kWalkSpeed;
if (scene_->app()->input_manager()->GetButton("sprint")) speed *= 10.0f;
float dx = scene_->app()->input_manager()->GetAxis("movex");
float dz = (-scene_->app()->input_manager()->GetAxis("movey"));
// calculate new pitch and yaw
constexpr float kMaxPitch = glm::half_pi<float>();
constexpr float kMinPitch = -kMaxPitch;
float d_pitch = scene_->app()->input_manager()->GetAxis("looky") * -1.0f *
c->pitch += d_pitch;
if (c->pitch <= kMinPitch || c->pitch >= kMaxPitch) {
c->pitch -= d_pitch;
c->yaw += scene_->app()->input_manager()->GetAxis("lookx") * -1.0f *
// update position relative to camera direction in xz plane
const glm::vec3 d2x_rotated = glm::rotateY(glm::vec3{dx, 0.0f, 0.0f}, c->yaw);
const glm::vec3 d2z_rotated = glm::rotateY(glm::vec3{0.0f, 0.0f, dz}, c->yaw);
glm::vec3 h_vel = (d2x_rotated + d2z_rotated);
if (is_sliding) {
h_vel = glm::vec3{norm.z, 0.0f, -norm.x};
h_vel *= speed;
t->position += h_vel * dt;
t->position.y += c->dy * dt;
constexpr float kMaxDistanceFromOrigin = 10000.0f;
if (glm::length(t->position) > kMaxDistanceFromOrigin) {
t->position = {0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f};
c->dy = 0.0f;
// pitch quaternion
const float half_pitch = c->pitch / 2.0f;
glm::quat pitch_quat{};
pitch_quat.x = glm::sin(half_pitch);
pitch_quat.y = 0.0f;
pitch_quat.z = 0.0f;
pitch_quat.w = glm::cos(half_pitch);
// yaw quaternion
const float half_yaw = c->yaw / 2.0f;
glm::quat yaw_quat{};
yaw_quat.x = 0.0f;
yaw_quat.y = glm::sin(half_yaw);
yaw_quat.z = 0.0f;
yaw_quat.w = glm::cos(half_yaw);
// update rotation
t->rotation = yaw_quat * pitch_quat;
/* user interface inputs */
if (scene_->app()->window()->GetKeyPress(engine::inputs::Key::K_P)) {
std::string pos_string{"x: " + std::to_string(t->position.x) +
" y: " + std::to_string(t->position.y) +
" z: " + std::to_string(t->position.z)};
LOG_INFO("position {}", pos_string);
if (scene_->app()->window()->GetKeyPress(engine::inputs::Key::K_R)) {
t->position = {0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f};
c->dy = 0.0f;
if (scene_->app()->input_manager()->GetButtonPress("fullscreen")) {
if (scene_->app()->input_manager()->GetButtonPress("exit")) {
c->just_collided = false;
2022-11-07 20:15:26 +00:00
2023-02-09 15:29:19 +00:00
// called once per frame
2023-05-02 11:02:43 +00:00
void CameraControllerSystem::OnEvent(
engine::PhysicsSystem::CollisionEvent info) {
c->just_collided = info.is_collision_enter;
c->last_collision_normal = info.normal;
c->last_collision_point = info.point;