Improve code

This commit is contained in:
Bailey Harrison 2022-10-01 16:59:42 +01:00
parent 3e7525be9a
commit 7cf22956f2

View File

@ -487,9 +487,19 @@ namespace engine::gfx {
// use a set to filter out duplicate indices
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> uniqueQueueFamilies{ graphicsFamilyIndex.value(), transferFamilyIndex.value(), computeFamilyIndex.value() };
float queuePriority = 1.0f;
for (uint32_t family : uniqueQueueFamilies) {
// create a queue for each unique type to ensure that there are queues available for graphics, transfer, and compute
Queue newQueue{};
newQueue.familyIndex = family;
newQueue.queueIndex = 0;
if (graphicsFamilyIndex == family) newQueue.supportsGraphics = true;
if (transferFamilyIndex == family) newQueue.supportsTransfer = true;
if (computeFamilyIndex == family) newQueue.supportsCompute = true;
TRACE("Creating queue from family {}", family);
VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo queueCreateInfo{
@ -500,6 +510,7 @@ namespace engine::gfx {
.pQueuePriorities = &queuePriority,
// check the physical device is compatible with the surface
@ -530,7 +541,9 @@ namespace engine::gfx {
vkGetDeviceQueue(m_handle, graphicsFamilyIndex.value(), 0, &m_queues.graphicsQueue);
for (auto& q : m_queues) {
vkGetDeviceQueue(m_handle, q.familyIndex, q.queueIndex, &q.handle);
Device(const Device&) = delete;
@ -558,6 +571,38 @@ namespace engine::gfx {
return m_swapchainSupportDetails;
struct Queue {
uint32_t familyIndex;
uint32_t queueIndex;
bool supportsGraphics = false;
bool supportsTransfer = false;
bool supportsCompute = false;
VkQueue handle;
Queue getGraphicsQueue()
for (const auto& queue : m_queues) {
if (queue.supportsGraphics) return queue;
Queue getTransferQueue()
for (const auto& queue : m_queues) {
if (queue.supportsTransfer) return queue;
Queue getComputeQueue()
for (const auto& queue : m_queues) {
if (queue.supportsCompute) return queue;
std::shared_ptr<Instance> m_instance;
std::shared_ptr<Surface> m_surface;
@ -566,9 +611,7 @@ namespace engine::gfx {
VkDevice m_handle = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
struct Queues {
VkQueue graphicsQueue = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
} m_queues;
std::vector<Queue> m_queues{};
@ -648,14 +691,13 @@ namespace engine::gfx {
res = vkCreateSwapchainKHR(m_device->getHandle(), &createInfo, nullptr, &m_handle);
assert(res == VK_SUCCESS);
uint32_t swapchainImageCount = 0;
res = vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR(m_device.getHandle(), m_handle, &swapchainImageCount, nullptr);
res = vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR(m_device->getHandle(), m_handle, &swapchainImageCount, nullptr);
assert(res == VK_SUCCESS);
res = vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR(m_device.getHandle(), m_handle, &swapchainImageCount,;
res = vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR(m_device->getHandle(), m_handle, &swapchainImageCount,;
assert(res == VK_SUCCESS);
Swapchain(const Swapchain&) = delete;
Swapchain& operator=(const Swapchain&) = delete;