
548 lines
26 KiB

#include "util/gltf_loader.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "util/files.h"
#include "libs/mikktspace.h"
#include "libs/weldmesh.h"
#include "libs/tiny_gltf.h"
#include "components/mesh_renderable.h"
#include <components/transform.h>
namespace tg = tinygltf;
namespace engine::util {
template <typename T>
struct Attribute {
const uint8_t* buffer;
size_t offset;
size_t stride;
const T& operator[](size_t i) { return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&buffer[offset + stride * i]); }
static void DecomposeTransform(glm::mat4 transform, glm::vec3& pos, glm::quat& rot, glm::vec3& scale)
// get position
pos.x = transform[3][0];
pos.y = transform[3][1];
pos.z = transform[3][2];
// remove position from matrix
transform[3][0] = 0.0f;
transform[3][1] = 0.0f;
transform[3][2] = 0.0f;
// get scale
scale.x = sqrtf(transform[0][0] * transform[0][0] + transform[0][1] * transform[0][1] + transform[0][2] * transform[0][2]);
scale.y = sqrtf(transform[1][0] * transform[1][0] + transform[1][1] * transform[1][1] + transform[1][2] * transform[1][2]);
scale.z = sqrtf(transform[2][0] * transform[2][0] + transform[2][1] * transform[2][1] + transform[2][2] * transform[2][2]);
// remove scaling from matrix
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
transform[0][row] /= scale.x;
transform[1][row] /= scale.y;
transform[2][row] /= scale.z;
// get rotation
rot = glm::quat_cast(transform);
static glm::mat4 MatFromDoubleArray(const std::vector<double>& arr)
glm::mat4 mat{};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
mat[i][0] = static_cast<float>(arr[static_cast<size_t>(i) * 4 + 0]);
mat[i][1] = static_cast<float>(arr[static_cast<size_t>(i) * 4 + 1]);
mat[i][2] = static_cast<float>(arr[static_cast<size_t>(i) * 4 + 2]);
mat[i][3] = static_cast<float>(arr[static_cast<size_t>(i) * 4 + 3]);
return mat;
engine::Entity LoadGLTF(Scene& scene, const std::string& path, bool isStatic)
tg::TinyGLTF loader;
tg::Model model;
std::string err, warn;
const bool success = loader.LoadBinaryFromFile(&model, &err, &warn, path);
if (!warn.empty()) {
LOG_WARN("glTF Loader: {}", warn);
if (!err.empty()) {
LOG_ERROR("glTF Loader: {}", err);
if (!success) {
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load glTF file!");
// test model loading
if (model.scenes.size() < 1) {
throw std::runtime_error("Need at least 1 scene");
int scene_index = 0;
if (model.defaultScene != -1) scene_index = model.defaultScene;
const tg::Scene& s = model.scenes.at(scene_index);
/* load all textures found in the model */
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Texture>> textures{};
for (const tg::Texture& texture : model.textures) {
// find the image first
// use missing texture image by default
if (texture.source == -1) continue;
gfx::SamplerInfo samplerInfo{};
// default to trilinear filtering even if mipmaps are not specified
samplerInfo.minify = gfx::Filter::kLinear;
samplerInfo.magnify = gfx::Filter::kLinear;
samplerInfo.mipmap = gfx::Filter::kLinear;
if (texture.sampler != -1) {
const tg::Sampler& sampler = model.samplers.at(texture.sampler);
switch (sampler.minFilter) {
samplerInfo.minify = gfx::Filter::kNearest;
samplerInfo.mipmap = gfx::Filter::kLinear;
samplerInfo.minify = gfx::Filter::kNearest;
samplerInfo.mipmap = gfx::Filter::kNearest;
samplerInfo.minify = gfx::Filter::kLinear;
samplerInfo.mipmap = gfx::Filter::kLinear;
samplerInfo.minify = gfx::Filter::kLinear;
samplerInfo.mipmap = gfx::Filter::kNearest;
switch (sampler.magFilter) {
samplerInfo.magnify = gfx::Filter::kNearest;
samplerInfo.magnify = gfx::Filter::kLinear;
// use aniso if min filter is LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
samplerInfo.anisotropic_filtering = (samplerInfo.minify == gfx::Filter::kLinear && samplerInfo.mipmap == gfx::Filter::kLinear);
const tg::Image& image = model.images.at(texture.source);
if (image.as_is == false && image.bits == 8 && image.component == 4 && image.pixel_type == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
// create texture on GPU
// TODO: somehow detect if the textue should be srgb or not
textures.back() = std::make_shared<Texture>(scene.app()->renderer(), image.image.data(), image.width, image.height, samplerInfo, true);
/* load all materials found in model */
// store some 1x1 colour textures as a hack to render solid colours
struct Color {
uint8_t r, g, b, a;
Color(const double* doubles)
r = static_cast<uint8_t>(lround(doubles[0] * 255.0));
g = static_cast<uint8_t>(lround(doubles[1] * 255.0));
b = static_cast<uint8_t>(lround(doubles[2] * 255.0));
a = static_cast<uint8_t>(lround(doubles[3] * 255.0));
//std::unordered_map<Color, std::shared_ptr<Texture>> colour_textures;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Material>> materials{};
for (const tg::Material& material : model.materials) {
if (material.alphaMode != "OPAQUE") {
LOG_WARN("Material {} contains alphaMode {} which isn't supported yet", material.name, material.alphaMode);
LOG_WARN("Material will be opaque");
if (material.doubleSided == true) {
LOG_WARN("Material {} specifies double-sided mesh rendering which isn't supported yet", material.name);
LOG_WARN("Material will be single-sided.");
if (material.emissiveTexture.index != -1 || material.emissiveFactor[0] != 0.0 || material.emissiveFactor[1] != 0.0 ||
material.emissiveFactor[2] != 0.0) {
LOG_WARN("Material {} contains an emissive texture or non-zero emissive factor. Emission is currently unsupported.", material.name);
LOG_WARN("Material will be created without emission.");
if (material.occlusionTexture.index != -1) {
LOG_WARN("Material {} contains an ambient occlusion texture which isn't supported yet.", material.name);
LOG_WARN("Material will be created without an occlusion map.");
const auto& baseColorFactor4 = material.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor;
if (baseColorFactor4[0] != 1.0 || baseColorFactor4[1] != 1.0 || baseColorFactor4[2] != 1.0 || baseColorFactor4[3] != 1.0) {
if (material.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture.index == -1) {
LOG_INFO("Making color texture!");
throw std::runtime_error("TODO");
// convert double colors to integers
//Color col(baseColorFactor4.data());
//if (colour_textures.contains(col)) {
// }
else {
LOG_WARN("Material {} contains a base color multiplier which isn't supported yet.", material.name);
LOG_WARN("The material's base color texture will be used as-is.");
if (material.pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture.index != -1) {
LOG_WARN("Material {} contains a metallic-roughness texture which isn't supported yet.", material.name);
LOG_WARN("This texture will be ignored.");
if (material.pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicFactor != 1.0) {
LOG_WARN("Material {} contains a metallic factor != 1.0 which isn't supported yet.", material.name);
LOG_WARN("Material will be created as fully metallic");
if (material.pbrMetallicRoughness.roughnessFactor != 1.0) {
LOG_WARN("Material {} contains a roughness factor != 1.0 which isn't supported yet.", material.name);
LOG_WARN("Material will be created as fully rough");
materials.emplace_back(std::make_shared<Material>(scene.app()->renderer(), scene.app()->GetResource<Shader>("builtin.fancy")));
if (material.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture.index != -1) {
if (material.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture.texCoord == 0) {
else {
LOG_WARN("Material {} base color texture specifies a UV channel other than zero which is unsupported.");
LOG_WARN("Material will be created with a white base color");
if (material.normalTexture.index != -1) {
if (material.normalTexture.texCoord == 0) {
else {
LOG_WARN("Material {} normal texture specifies a UV channel other than zero which is unsupported.");
LOG_WARN("Material will be created with no normal map");
/* load all meshes found in model */
struct EnginePrimitive {
std::shared_ptr<Mesh> mesh;
std::shared_ptr<Material> material;
std::vector<std::vector<EnginePrimitive>> primitive_arrays{}; // sub-array is all primitives for a given mesh
for (const tg::Mesh& mesh : model.meshes) {
auto& primitive_array = primitive_arrays.emplace_back();
for (const tg::Primitive& primitive : mesh.primitives) {
if (primitive.attributes.contains("POSITION")) {
const tg::Accessor& pos_accessor = model.accessors.at(primitive.attributes.at("POSITION"));
const size_t num_vertices = pos_accessor.count;
bool generate_tangents = false; // generating tangents creates a new index list and therefore all attribute accessors must be reassigned
// these checks are probably unneccesary assuming a valid glTF file
// if (pos_accessor.componentType != TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT) throw std::runtime_error("Position att. must be float!");
// if (pos_accessor.type != 3) throw std::runtime_error("Position att. dim. must be 3!");
const tg::BufferView& pos_bufferview = model.bufferViews.at(pos_accessor.bufferView);
const tg::Buffer& pos_buffer = model.buffers.at(pos_bufferview.buffer);
Attribute<glm::vec3> positions{.buffer = pos_buffer.data.data(),
.offset = pos_accessor.byteOffset + pos_bufferview.byteOffset,
.stride = static_cast<size_t>(pos_accessor.ByteStride(pos_bufferview))};
Attribute<glm::vec3> normals{};
if (primitive.attributes.contains("NORMAL")) {
const tg::Accessor& norm_accessor = model.accessors.at(primitive.attributes.at("NORMAL"));
const tg::BufferView& norm_bufferview = model.bufferViews.at(norm_accessor.bufferView);
const tg::Buffer& norm_buffer = model.buffers.at(norm_bufferview.buffer);
normals.buffer = norm_buffer.data.data();
normals.offset = norm_accessor.byteOffset + norm_bufferview.byteOffset;
normals.stride = static_cast<size_t>(norm_accessor.ByteStride(norm_bufferview));
else {
// TODO: generate flat normals
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("No normals found in primitive from ") + mesh.name);
Attribute<glm::vec4> tangents{};
if (primitive.attributes.contains("TANGENT")) {
const tg::Accessor& tang_accessor = model.accessors.at(primitive.attributes.at("TANGENT"));
const tg::BufferView& tang_bufferview = model.bufferViews.at(tang_accessor.bufferView);
const tg::Buffer& tang_buffer = model.buffers.at(tang_bufferview.buffer);
tangents.buffer = tang_buffer.data.data();
tangents.offset = tang_accessor.byteOffset + tang_bufferview.byteOffset;
tangents.stride = static_cast<size_t>(tang_accessor.ByteStride(tang_bufferview));
else {
// TODO: use MikkTSpace to generate tangents
generate_tangents = true;
// UV0
Attribute<glm::vec2> uv0s{};
if (primitive.attributes.contains("TEXCOORD_0")) {
const tg::Accessor& uv0_accessor = model.accessors.at(primitive.attributes.at("TEXCOORD_0"));
const tg::BufferView& uv0_bufferview = model.bufferViews.at(uv0_accessor.bufferView);
const tg::Buffer& uv0_buffer = model.buffers.at(uv0_bufferview.buffer);
uv0s.buffer = uv0_buffer.data.data();
uv0s.offset = uv0_accessor.byteOffset + uv0_bufferview.byteOffset;
uv0s.stride = static_cast<size_t>(uv0_accessor.ByteStride(uv0_bufferview));
else {
// TODO: Possibly create a shader variant that doesn't need UVs?
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("No TEXCOORD_0 found in primitive from ") + mesh.name);
// Indices
const tg::Accessor& indices_accessor = model.accessors.at(primitive.indices);
const tg::BufferView& indices_bufferview = model.bufferViews.at(indices_accessor.bufferView);
const tg::Buffer& indices_buffer = model.buffers.at(indices_bufferview.buffer);
const uint8_t* const indices_data_start = indices_buffer.data.data() + indices_accessor.byteOffset + indices_bufferview.byteOffset;
const size_t num_indices = indices_accessor.count;
std::vector<uint32_t> indices;
if (indices_accessor.componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_indices; ++i) {
indices.push_back(*reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&indices_data_start[i * 1]));
else if (indices_accessor.componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_indices; ++i) {
indices.push_back(*reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(&indices_data_start[i * 2]));
else if (indices_accessor.componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_indices; ++i) {
indices.push_back(*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(&indices_data_start[i * 4]));
else {
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Invalid index buffer in primtive from: ") + mesh.name);
std::vector<Vertex> vertices;
if (generate_tangents) {
// generate tangents if they're not in the file
struct MeshData {
Attribute<glm::vec3>* positions;
Attribute<glm::vec3>* normals;
Attribute<glm::vec2>* uvs;
const uint32_t* indices;
size_t num_indices;
std::vector<Vertex>* new_vertices;
MeshData meshData{};
meshData.positions = &positions;
meshData.normals = &normals;
meshData.uvs = &uv0s;
meshData.indices = indices.data();
meshData.num_indices = num_indices;
meshData.new_vertices = &vertices;
SMikkTSpaceInterface mts_interface{};
mts_interface.m_getNumFaces = [](const SMikkTSpaceContext* pContext) -> int {
const MeshData* meshData = static_cast<const MeshData*>(pContext->m_pUserData);
assert(meshData->num_indices % 3 == 0);
return meshData->num_indices / 3;
mts_interface.m_getNumVerticesOfFace = [](const SMikkTSpaceContext*, const int) -> int { return 3; };
mts_interface.m_getPosition = [](const SMikkTSpaceContext* pContext, float fvPosOut[], const int iFace, const int iVert) -> void {
const MeshData* const meshData = static_cast<const MeshData*>(pContext->m_pUserData);
const size_t i = iFace * 3 + iVert;
assert(i < meshData->num_indices);
const size_t vertex_index = meshData->indices[i];
const glm::vec3 pos = meshData->positions->operator[](vertex_index);
fvPosOut[0] = pos.x;
fvPosOut[1] = pos.y;
fvPosOut[2] = pos.z;
mts_interface.m_getNormal = [](const SMikkTSpaceContext* pContext, float fvNormOut[], const int iFace, const int iVert) -> void {
const MeshData* const meshData = static_cast<const MeshData*>(pContext->m_pUserData);
const size_t i = iFace * 3 + iVert;
assert(i < meshData->num_indices);
const size_t vertex_index = meshData->indices[i];
const glm::vec3 norm = meshData->normals->operator[](vertex_index);
fvNormOut[0] = norm.x;
fvNormOut[1] = norm.y;
fvNormOut[2] = norm.z;
mts_interface.m_getTexCoord = [](const SMikkTSpaceContext* pContext, float fvTexcOut[], const int iFace, const int iVert) -> void {
const MeshData* const meshData = static_cast<const MeshData*>(pContext->m_pUserData);
const size_t i = iFace * 3 + iVert;
assert(i < meshData->num_indices);
const size_t vertex_index = meshData->indices[i];
const glm::vec2 uv = meshData->uvs->operator[](vertex_index);
fvTexcOut[0] = uv.x;
fvTexcOut[1] = uv.y;
mts_interface.m_setTSpaceBasic = [](const SMikkTSpaceContext* pContext, const float fvTangent[], const float fSign, const int iFace,
const int iVert) -> void {
MeshData* const meshData = static_cast<MeshData*>(pContext->m_pUserData);
const size_t i = iFace * 3 + iVert;
assert(i < meshData->num_indices);
const size_t vertex_index = meshData->indices[i];
Vertex& new_v = meshData->new_vertices->operator[](i);
new_v.pos = meshData->positions->operator[](vertex_index);
new_v.norm = meshData->normals->operator[](vertex_index);
new_v.uv = meshData->uvs->operator[](vertex_index);
new_v.tangent.x = fvTangent[0];
new_v.tangent.y = fvTangent[1];
new_v.tangent.z = fvTangent[2];
new_v.tangent.w = fSign;
SMikkTSpaceContext mts_context{};
mts_context.m_pInterface = &mts_interface;
mts_context.m_pUserData = &meshData;
bool tan_result = genTangSpaceDefault(&mts_context);
if (tan_result == false) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to generate tangents!");
// regenerate indices as simple ones
// temp generate simple indices
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < meshData.new_vertices->size(); ++i) {
else {
// combine vertices into one array
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) {
Vertex v{.pos = positions[i], .norm = normals[i], .tangent = tangents[i], .uv = uv0s[i]};
// generate mesh on GPU
std::shared_ptr<Mesh> engine_mesh = std::make_shared<Mesh>(scene.app()->renderer()->GetDevice(), vertices, indices);
// get material
std::shared_ptr<Material> engine_material = nullptr;
if (primitive.material != -1) {
engine_material = materials.at(primitive.material);
else {
engine_material = scene.app()->GetResource<Material>("builtin.default");
primitive_array.emplace_back(engine_mesh, engine_material);
else {
// skip primitive's rendering
/* now create the entities and traverse the glTF scene hierarchy */
const std::filesystem::path filePath(path);
const std::string name = filePath.stem().string();
// glTF uses the Y-up convention so the parent object must be rotated to Z-up
const Entity parent = scene.CreateEntity(name, 0, glm::vec3{}, glm::quat{glm::one_over_root_two<float>(), glm::one_over_root_two<float>(), 0.0f, 0.0f});
std::vector<Entity> entities(model.nodes.size(), 0);
std::function<void(Entity, const tg::Node&)> generateEntities = [&](Entity parent_entity, const tg::Node& node) -> void {
const Entity e = scene.CreateEntity(node.name.empty() ? "anode" : node.name, parent_entity);
// transform
auto t = scene.GetComponent<TransformComponent>(e);
t->position.x = 0.0f;
t->position.y = 0.0f;
t->position.z = 0.0f;
t->rotation.x = 0.0f;
t->rotation.y = 0.0f;
t->rotation.z = 0.0f;
t->rotation.w = 1.0f;
t->scale.x = 1.0f;
t->scale.y = 1.0f;
t->scale.z = 1.0f;
if (node.matrix.size() == 16) {
const glm::mat4 matrix = MatFromDoubleArray(node.matrix);
DecomposeTransform(matrix, t->position, t->rotation, t->scale);
else {
if (node.translation.size() == 3) {
t->position.x = static_cast<float>(node.translation[0]);
t->position.y = static_cast<float>(node.translation[1]);
t->position.z = static_cast<float>(node.translation[2]);
if (node.rotation.size() == 4) {
t->rotation.x = static_cast<float>(node.rotation[0]);
t->rotation.y = static_cast<float>(node.rotation[1]);
t->rotation.z = static_cast<float>(node.rotation[2]);
t->rotation.w = static_cast<float>(node.rotation[3]);
if (node.scale.size() == 3) {
t->scale.x = static_cast<float>(node.scale[0]);
t->scale.y = static_cast<float>(node.scale[1]);
t->scale.z = static_cast<float>(node.scale[2]);
// ignoring cameras
// ignoring skin
// ignoring weights
if (node.mesh != -1) {
const auto& primitives = primitive_arrays.at(node.mesh);
int i = 0;
for (const EnginePrimitive& prim : primitives) {
auto prim_entity = scene.CreateEntity(std::string("_mesh") + std::to_string(i), e);
auto meshren = scene.AddComponent<MeshRenderableComponent>(prim_entity);
meshren->mesh = prim.mesh;
meshren->material = prim.material;
for (int i : node.children) {
generateEntities(e, model.nodes.at(i));
for (int i : s.nodes) {
generateEntities(parent, model.nodes.at(i));
LOG_INFO("Loaded glTF model: {}", path);
return parent;
} // namespace engine::util